Thursday, March 01, 2012

Quote Of The Week

Republicans being against sex is not good. Sex is popular.”
- Veteran Republican strategist Alex Castellanos.


Danimal said...

The Republican party since 2008 just never ceases to amaze me. We're talking about access to birth control, really? What's next? A woman's right to vote? I know, how about slavery? Civil rights? What other rights that 80% of the population now consider to be unassailable would they like to revisit? They are no longer the party of the 1950s, they are the party of the 1750s. They are now alienating both latinos and women. This could be a landslide.

Harold said...

The irony is that one of the big reasons they are going so far to the right is their refusal to agree with the hated Obama on anything. Obama's compromise with the Catholic organizations on the Contraception issue was reasonable in every way - so reasonable in fact that most Catholics had no problem with it. But can you imagine the fallout that would have occurred with the GOP base had the Republican Party accepted the compromise and then dropped the issue? So the GOP had to attack Obama on it. That's how afraid that party is of their own tea-bagger base. Only Rush Limbaugh is feared more by GOP politicians.