Monday, March 19, 2012

Obama Crushing GOP Re: Latino Vote

The results of this FoxNews poll was released a couple weeks ago, but it continues to get a lot of coverage on the Internets, and for good reason:
Despite growing disappointment in his handling of immigration issues, Latino voters favor President Barack Obama by six-to-one over any of the Republican presidential hopefuls, showed a Fox News Latino poll conducted under the direction of Latin Insights and released Monday.

The national poll of likely Latino voters indicated that 73 percent of them approved of Obama’s performance in office, with over half those questioned looking favorably upon his handling of the healthcare debate and the economy, at 66 percent and 58 percent respectively. ***

[T]he poll shows that the overwhelming choice among likely Latino voters is President Obama. In head-to-head match-ups none of the GOP candidates would garner more than 14 percent of the Latino vote come November, the poll said.
As Steve Benen points out, McCain lost the Latino vote to Obama by a whopping 36 percentage points in 2008. But according to the FOX poll, Obama's advantage over Romney now stands at 56%. When you combine this number with the fallout the GOP is currently experiencing with women -- Obama enjoys a 20 percentage point lead over Romney with female voters -- my only conclusion is that Romney will have to name a Latino or a woman as his running mate.

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