Monday, February 13, 2012

Romney Has No Choice Now

He'll have to viciously attack Santorum, even though Republican leaders recently urged Romney to refrain from such attacks:
Two new polls out today show Rick Santorum leading Mitt Romney in Michigan, the state where the former Massachusetts governor was born and believed to have an advantage.

An American Research Group poll shows Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, leading Romney 33% to 27% among likely GOP voters. Santorum's lead over Romney is 15 percentage points in a Michigan survey by Public Policy Polling
Incredible. Most commentators still believe that Romney is the front-runner; but if he loses Michigan, I have no doubt he'll lose that front-runner status to Santorum.

And with regard to my previous post on the contraception debate, it looks like the trap that Obama set is rapidly closing on the GOP:
While GOP senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has pledged to fight the Obama’s administration’s modified regulation requiring health insurers and busnisses to offer contraception coverage without additional cost sharing, the revised rule “appears to have won over” two of the five Republican women senators.

Sens. Olympia Snowe (ME) and Susan Collins (ME) — both of whom have sponsored legislation requiring insurers to offer contraception benefits in all health plans — are in favor of the new compromise, which would allow religiously affiliated colleges, universities, and hospitals to avoid providing birth control. Their employees will still receive contraception coverage at no additional cost sharing directly from the insurer
Well-played, Barack.

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