Friday, February 24, 2012

Car Czar Calls Out Romney On His Bailout Horseshit

This is pretty great:
The auto czar who led the bailout, Steve Rattner, has a simple challenge to Mitt Romney’s claim that private investors could have rescued Detroit: find me one.

Rattner, writing in the New York Times, wrote on Friday that Romney’s contention that American automakers didn’t need federal loans to move them through a managed bankruptcy intact is ludicrous given that the only financiers big enough to step in were barely hanging on for dear lives themselves.

“I know this because the administration’s auto task force, for which I was the lead adviser, spoke diligently to all conceivable providers of funds, and not one had the slightest interest in financing those companies on any terms,” he wrote. “If Mr. Romney disagrees, he should come forward with specific names of willing investors in place of empty rhetoric. I predict that he won’t be able to, because there aren’t any
Romney, who will be the eventual GOP nominee for president, is going to get crushed by Obama on this issue in the General Election. It'll be fun to watch.

And speaking of Romney, one gets the feeling that his campaign expected more people to show up at this rally at Detroit's Ford Field:

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