Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Video That Perfectly Demonstrates Why The GOP Is Screwed Right Now

First, a little context: 21 out of 23 polls now show over sixty percent approval for raising taxes as part of a deficit reduction plan -- the two exceptions are the FoxNews poll (56% approval for raising taxes) and Reuters (59% approval). Now, watch this video from the recent GOP debate in Iowa:

Talk about being out of touch. The Republican Party is so afraid of the Tea-Baggers that every single GOP presidential candidate raised their hand saying they would refuse to support a debt deal that had a 10-to-1 ratio of spending cuts vs. tax increases. UnFuckingBelievable.

The problem with a Republican presidential candidate pandering to the batshit-crazy wing of his or her party is that whomever gets the nomination is going to have shift back to the middle during the run-up to the General Election. Now that Pawlenty has dropped out of the race, there remains only two GOP candidates who can effectively pull off such a shift: Huntsman (who has no chance at the nomination even though he is probably the least crazy of the bunch) and Romney. Perry can't do that because he's just as much of a Tea-Bagger as Bachmann.

This is why Romney will get the nomination. I know he's raised flip-flopping to an art form, but his willingness to change his position on pretty much every issue will probably help him in the long haul, particularly when it comes to the debate over how to deal with the national debt.


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog, and others like it, are perfect demonstrations why the Dems (especially the head Dem) are completely screwed; their heads are planted deeply in the sand. They remind me a great deal of Charlie Sheen when he spewed out the word, "Winning." I LOVE IT!

Harold said...

So you think that Romney will NOT get the nomination? I'm interested in what a true Tea-Bagger like yourself thinks on this issue. Do you actually believe that BatShit-Crazy Bachmann will get the nomination? I'd like to know your thoughts on this.

And BTW: Given that you probably don’t have a grade school diploma let alone one from a high school, I appreciate that this might be impossible for you -- but next time you post a comment, at least try to get your fucking syntax right. You wrote: "Reading your blog, and others like it, are perfect demonstrations why the Dems (especially the head Dem) are completely screwed."

So what you're saying is that the mere fact that you are **reading** anti-TeaBagger blogs demonstrates perfectly why the Dems are screwed? What the fuck does that mean? Let me give you an example of the correct way to write such a statement:

Your comments on this blog demonstrate why you Tea-Bagging MotherFuckers are completely screwed; your heads are planted so deeply in the sand (and so deeply into your rectums) that you are willing to bring down the economy of this country simply to make an absurd political point. Your hatred for America reminds me of Al-Qaeda, another extremist group that is similarly hell-bent on destroying the United States.

I hear that there are some great G.E.D. programs out there. You should sign up for one.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, Harry, that cuts me deep.

Harold said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harold said...

I knew it was you, Dude. The problem is that I signed a pledge the other day wherein I swore that if a Tea-Bagger -- or someone pretending to be a Tea-Bagger -- comes after me, then I have to hit them back hard regardless of the circumstances.

Sorry about that, but I did, after all, sign a pledge, so I had no choice. I would have done the same even if it meant that America would be destroyed because, after all, I did sign a pledge.