Friday, August 26, 2011

No, This Is Not An Onion Article

It's from the New York Times, and yes, Virginia, there actually is a tax cut that the GOP opposes:
It is hard to find a tax cut that Congressional Republicans dislike. Unless it is a tax cut pushed by President Obama.

In a turning of the tax policy tables, Democrats are increasingly hammering on Republicans who oppose the president’s proposal to extend for a year a payroll tax cut passed last year with bipartisan support.

That tax cut — which reduces workers’ contributions to Social Security this year to 4.2 percent of wages, from 6.2 percent — expires in December. The White House would like to extend it for another year. But Republicans in Congress are balking, arguing that such a cut adds needlessly to the nation’s budget deficit, and should be replaced with an overhaul of tax policy instead.***
OK, look -- I get it: We have an election that is a little over 14 months away, so I understand that the GOP doesn't want to support anything Obama proposes. Given the current political climate, Obama could even propose a constitutional amendment banning abortion and the GOP would probably oppose it because Obama supports it.

But opposing a tax cut simply because it helps the middle class and poor people, while at the same time insisting that Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy be continued? That's pretty fucked-up.

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