Friday, October 22, 2010

Throwing Cans Of Worms In Glass Houses

I love this:
In the wake of news that Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, recently contacted Anita Hill, the woman behind a sexual harassment scandal that almost derailed the Justice during his confirmation hearings, Thomas's ex-girlfriend is now seeking to enter the fray with serious new allegations about his demeanor in the years before the Hill controversy. In an interview with the Washington Post, Lillian McEwen says Hill's allegations fit a pattern:

"He was always actively watching the women he worked with to see if they could be potential partners," McEwen told the Post, adding that he was particularly "partial to women with large breasts" and even would ask woman about their bra size.

"He was obsessed with porn," McEwen also said of Thomas, a claim that is particularly relevant to Hill's allegations that the then-chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had repeatedly relayed scenes from pornographic movies to her. "He would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting," McEwen continued.
I bet Virginia Thomas is beginning to regret her decision to ask Anita Hill for an apology. Oh yes.


Danimal said...

I doubt it. The point of doing things like this is to call attention to it, and any kind of attention will do. When your goal is to win the affection, and money, of idiots, the more idiotic the idea you espouse is, the better. A well reasoned response will fall on the deaf ears of idiots.

Can you imagine the nerve of this white woman (and race does matter here)? To call a woman you've never met, no nothing about, who made accusations about your now husband during a period of time during which you weren't around, and tell her to apologize to your husband? It's demonstrative - and there are some interesting articles to this effect - of just how much this continue to piss off the Thomas family.

Harold said...

I wonder how much of this Clarence is supporting. Given what he's said in the past, he's probably fully behind this effort. But by acting as they did, they simply opened up another can of worms. I think it is hilarious.