Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quote of the Week

"If you can't win a seat that is trending Republican in a year like this, then where is the wave?"
-- Tom Davis, a former Republican congressman from Virginia, commenting on the GOP's loss last night in the special election in Pennsylvania to fill John Murtha's seat.

It is certainly a good question, given that John McCain carried that particular district in 2008. Indeed, the Democrats must be feeling pretty good today. Mitch McConnell basically got his ass handed to him last night when Tea Bagger Rand Paul defeated McConnell's hand-picked candidate in Kentucky's Republican Senate primary.

Arlen Specter's loss in Pennsylvania may, at first blush, look like a set-back for the Democrats, but Sestak will be a far more effective candidate in the general election than Specter could have been. And I couldn't be happier that Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) failed to get anywhere near enough votes to avoid a run-off in Arkansas' Democratic Senate primary. Let's hope she loses to Halter in the June run-off.

Even Politico thinks that the Republicans were the big losers yesterday.

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