Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Dick Cheney Is A F*cking Idiot

Well, I already knew he was an idiot, but geesus:
Dick Cheney has ratcheted up his criticism of President Obama again, calling the decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in New York a "huge mistake."

In an interview with Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity, the former vice president said the trial, which isn't expected to begin for at least a year in Manhattan's federal district court, will allow KSM an ill-advised showcase to spew his anti-American venom.

"He'll be able to go in whenever he's up on the stand and proselytize, if you will, millions of people out there around the world including some of his radical Muslim friends and generate a whole new generation of terrorists," Cheney said.

"I think it will make Khalid Sheikh Mohammed something of a hero in certain circles, especially in the radical regions of Islam around the world. It will put him on the map. He'll be as important or more important than Osama Bin Laden, and we will have made it possible."
As Steve Benen notes, however: "There's a nagging detail that even someone of Cheney's limited intellect should be able to understand: there are no cameras for federal trials."

On second thought, maybe Cheney knows there are no cameras in Federal Court, but he also knows that the folks who actually watch Hannity's show are morons who have no clue with regard to whether there would be cameras. If that is indeed the case, then Cheney is simply a liar who is taking advantage of the idiocy of FoxNews viewers.

I guess I should have titled this post, "Dick Cheney Is An Asshole."

And speaking of FoxNews, this is hilarious.

And check this out: Rachel Maddow -- a lesbian -- interviews Richard Cohen, head of the International Healing Foundation, a group that claims it can can cure homosexuality.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of idiots...

Do you think that the only way for some raghead fuck to get his message out of a federal courtroom is through a T.V. camera? Ever hear of a newspaper reporter, or even stranger yet, a BLOG?

Harold said...

Hey, if these radicals want to pour over courtroom transcripts and then post excerpts on their blogs, so be it. I'm not afraid of that, but you apparently are.

You really need to grow a backbone. A good start on that might be to move out of you mom's basement.

PS: Dan -- I know this is you because (1) no one -- except Dick Cheney I guess -- is really that much of a coward, and (2) you're the only person who actually reads my blog.