Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Time Has Come For Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III To Throw In The Towel

Senator Jeff Sessions is an idiot.

Now don't get me wrong -- I'm sure he does a really good job when he presides over Klan meetings and such, but he seems to be having a hard time pulling his head out of his ass when it comes to the Sotomayor hearings.

Here is a comment Sessions made to Judge Sotomayor yesterday:
SESSIONS: You voted not to reconsider the prior case. You voted to stay with the decision of the circuit. And in fact your vote was the key vote. Had you voted with Judge Cabranes, himself of Puerto Rican ancestry, had you voted with him, you could’ve changed that case.
Wow -- I guess if there was any doubts about Sessions being a racist, those doubts have now gone by the wayside. And this exchange was hilarious:
During his questioning, Sessions said he wished Sotomayor acted more like Judge Miriam Cedarbaum, who “believes that judges must transcend their personal sympathies and prejudices.” “My friend Judge Cedarbaum is here,” Sotomayor responded, to Sessions’ apparent surprise. For her part, Cedarbaum told the WSJ, “I don’t believe for a minute that there are any differences in our approach to judging, and her personal predilections have no effect on her approach to judging.”
I know there is no way to keep racists out of the Senate, but prospective senators should at least be required to score over a 70 in an IQ test before being allowed to run. Is that too much to ask?

And by the way, I love this.

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