Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who Needs Liberal Talk Radio?

Well, it looks like liberal talk radio is in a bit of trouble right now.

But should we be surprised by all of this? Liberal talk radio doesn't work because liberals don't need someone else to tell us what's going on or to tell us how stupid right-wingers are.

I tried listening to Air America when it first came on the air, and it was ok for awhile (particularly in the days before the 2006 election), but it just became stupid because progressive-minded folks don't need people on the radio to tell us how to feel about shit because we feel it is our patriotic duty to keep ourselves informed when it comes to important political issues.

But right-wingers, for the most part, don't share that particular brand of patriotism, and instead rely on fucking idiots like Rush Limbaugh and Heil Hannity to keep themselves "informed." And I'll go one step further -- right wingers are too fucking lazy to keep themselves informed on shit, and that's why they gladly let assholes like Limbaugh tell them how to think. God forbid they try to learn about an issue on their own.

These people have elevated idiocy to an art form, and that is why morons like Sarah Palin are held in such high regard by our country's extreme right wing.

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