Friday, August 01, 2008

A Suggestion For Barack

This video would make a great campaign ad for Obama. All he'd need to do is add a brief introduction to it which explains how McCain recently compared Obama to Britney Spears, then just let the images and words speak for themselves.

I'm supremely disappointed with Obama's reluctance to go on the offensive and run negative ads against McCain (and I'm sorry, Barack, but running an ad which criticizes McCain for running attack ads just doesn't cut it for me). I understand that he wants to project a positive image, but all Obama seems to do these days is respond to attacks. Sure, that is still better than what John Kerry did in '04, but you don't win elections by merely responding to what the other side is doing.

Obama certainly has enough ammo to really rip into McCain on a number of issues (e.g., McCain was for the tax increase before he was against it). But he has a particularly great opportunity to go after McCain on the issue of oil, given that the oil companies are currently setting records for quarterly profits.

All Obama has to do is run an ad which points out these record profits, mention that McCain actually supports tax breaks for these oil companies, and then point out that McCain's plan to drill off of our coastline is merely a gimmick -- just like the proposal for the gas tax holiday was -- and won't show results for at least seven years and even then would only reduce the price of a gallon of gas by a few pennies.

It's that simple -- geesus, that would hardly even qualify as a negative ad. Obama is already saying a lot of this stuff in his stump speeches, so why not make an ad.

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