Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Bills Lose It

First this one (thanks for the link, JB -- it's hysterical) and then this one:

[Bill Clinton] literally shocked his audience, by criticizing Mr. Obama and his campaign, pointing his finger and raising his already hoarse voice. In response to a question about the Clinton camp’s pollster Mark Penn wrongly insisting initially that Mr. Obama had gotten no “bounce’’ out of Iowa, Mr. Clinton began by acknowledging that Mr. Penn had been wrong.

Then he fired away, in a mocking tone: “But since you raised the judgment issue let’s go over this again. That is the central argument for his campaign. It doesn’t matter that ‘I’ started running for president less than a year after ‘I’ got to the senate after the Illinois senate. ‘I’ am a great speaker and a charismatic figure and ‘I’ am the only one who had the judgment to oppose this war from the beginning – always always always.”
You can watch the video of it here. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Bill is helping matters much.

UPDATE: Of course, I could be wrong.

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