Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Moths To The Flame

I love it. The GOP and their harshoid mouthpieces just got their asses handed to them on the whole Graeme Frost Debacle and now it appears that they are coming back for more. This time they are trying to swift boat Bethany Wilkerson, a two-year-old girl who benefited from the SCHIP program after being born with a serious heart problem.

I think the Democrats are really on to something here. What they should do is line up at least a dozen more kids just like Graeme and Bethany and release videos featuring each one and explaining how each benefited from SCHIP.

Like lemmings to the sea, Michelle Malkin and other right wing extremists will be compelled to attack every one of these kids. The overall political effect will be like Terri Schiavo times 12.

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