Monday, September 10, 2007

The Old Bait and Switch

I've managed to listen to a little bit of General Petraeus' bullshit with regard to "The Surge." Just a few moments ago, the proceedings were interrupted by some protesters in the audience who were promptly arrested. Good for them, because this whole thing really is just a load of crap.

As you may remember, "The Surge" was sold to the American people as a short-term increase in troops, and if it didn't work, then a change of strategy with regard to Iraq would be in order. But Petraeus said today that it is his hope the United States can get our military presence in Iraq down to pre-surge levels (i.e, 130,000 troops or thereabouts) by next summer.

Based on what I've seen in some polls, the majority of Americans simply aren't buying into all this BushCo horseshit. But for some reason, the Democrats are running scared and are probably going to give Bush everything he wants (which of course means that we will be in Iraq long after Bush leaves the White House).

I've never been more proud of my decision to leave the Democrat Party than I am right now.

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