Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Jon Stewart Calls The Extreme Right On Its O'Hanlon/Pollack Bullshittery

OK, I've beaten this horse to death, but the GOP still appears to have no problem touting those O'Hanlon and Pollack characters as former Jane Fonda-ish anti-war wannabees who have finally seen the light with regard to our incredible success over there in Iraq.

Bill Kristol, the neocon who has been wrong on Iraq from Day One (and long before that, but who's counting), was on The Daily Show last night, and he responded this way when Jon Stewart asked him who we can trust these days with regard to Iraq:
KRISTOL: Trust skeptics of the war like Mike O'Hanlon and Kevin Pollack, who went over . . . and have seen it in real time . . .
Well, Stewart would have none of that. His response:

STEWART: They weren't skeptics. . . . Kevin Pollack would like us to invade Iran, for God's Sake. Those are two very hawkish guys.
Thank God for Jon Stewart. Now I don't watch the cable news stations around the clock, but that was only the second reference I've seen on television (Countdown being the first) to the fact that O'Hanlon and Pollack lied to this country when they attempted to sell themselves as "war critics." Once again, we have to go to The Daily Show to get the truth.

Oh, and by the way, 175 people were bombed to death in Iraq today, and nine U.S. soldiers have died over there in the last two days.

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