Monday, April 16, 2007

Your Tax Dollars At Work Yet Again

This is both hysterical and pathetic (thanks for the link, JB):

Federal prosecutors said Friday they would retry a marijuana grower known as the "guru of ganja," even after a judge urged them to drop the case.

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer demanded to know who in the Justice Department made the decision to continue pursuing Ed Rosenthal, whose conviction was overturned last year.

Newly appointed U.S. Attorney Scott Schools made the decision, according to Assistant U.S. Attorney George Bevan. Bevan said he was unsure whether Justice Department officials in Washington were involved.
Here's my favorite part: "Rosenthal, 62, cannot be sentenced to prison even if he is convicted again because an appeals court upheld the one-day prison sentence imposed by Breyer in 2003." Well, it's my second favorite part of this story -- my favorite part (obviously) is the Guru of Ganja's court attire (pictured below -- the Guru is the second one from the right).

Remember -- your tax dollars are paying for this one. Don't our government employees have better things to do with their time and our money?

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