Friday, April 13, 2007

Enough Already

OK, I'm not surprised by this -- after all, the Bush Regime is all politics and no substance -- but I am certainly getting tired of the bullshit:
Last week, Bush administration officials invited senior congressional reporters to the White House and pressured them to increase their coverage of how Iraq war critics are "divided" over legislative strategy, multiple sources have confirmed with ThinkProgress.

The sources say White House officials pointed to examples of national political reporters who have highlighted such "division" and pressed the congressional reporters to follow suit. Specifically, the White House pointed to a recent AP piece on Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), which reported that Obama believes that "[i]f President Bush vetoes an Iraq war spending bill as promised, Congress quickly will provide the money without the withdrawal timeline the White House objects to." * * *
Forget the fact that "[t]he AP report never directly quoted Obama saying that Congress would give up its fight for a withdrawal timeline, and Obama has said the AP’s characterization is false." We wouldn't want facts like that to get in the way of a good GOP talking point.

Bush and his apologists have a problem, namely, the majority of the country wants out of Iraq. I guess they figure that the only way to change peoples' minds with regard to the Iraq Catastrophe is to demonstrate that there is disagreement amongst war critics on what to do about it. It's pretty much all they have left, given how badly John McCain's recent trip to Baghdad backfired.

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