Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What A Load Of Crap

I laughed when I read about the so-called "growing rift" between the White House and the attorney general over the ProsecutorGate Scandal:

The two Republicans, who spoke anonymously so they could share private conversations with senior White House officials, said top aides to Mr. Bush, including Fred F. Fielding, the new White House counsel, were concerned that the controversy had so damaged Mr. Gonzales’s credibility that he would be unable to advance the White House agenda on national security matters, including terrorism prosecutions.

“I really think there’s a serious estrangement between the White House and Alberto now,” one of the Republicans said....
Serious estrangement? Why? Did I imagine it, or didn't I read somewhere that Harriet Miers and Karl Rove -- i.e., people from the White House -- were involved in the firing of the U.S. attorneys?

Maybe the two Republicans referred to above didn't hear about the recently-released memos and e-mails that showed a White House connection to all this, but I guess you could hardly blame them. It's hard to keep track of everything, particularly with regard to an administration that is coming apart at the seams like this one is.

And speaking of Rove, I thought this was pretty funny as well:

[I]nside the White House, aides to the president, including Mr. Rove and Joshua B. Bolten, the chief of staff, were said to be increasingly concerned that the controversy could damage Mr. Bush.

“They’re taking it seriously,” said the other of the two Republicans who spoke about the White House’s relationship with Mr. Gonzales. “I think Rove and Bolten believe there is the potential for erosion of the president’s credibility on this issue.”
It's hard to have erosion when there ain't no soil or bedrock left.

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