Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It's FitzMas Morning In America

Scooter found guilty on four out of five counts. Sure, he'll probably be pardoned, but it is still a great day for this nation.

UPDATE: Fitzgerald just said that he doesn't anticipate any more charges being filed in this investigation and that the investigation is inactive at this time. He also said that if new information comes forward, then his team will take a look at it.

UPDATE II: I watched FauxNews over the lunch hour -- I love watching that channel when the big story of the day amounts to bad news for the Bush Regime -- and Brit Hume basically said that Bush has a moral obligation to pardon Scooter Libby given that his trial amounted to a miscarriage of justice. If this article is any indication, the extreme right has apparently decided to run with this Pardon Scooter! talking point. Oh, and Hume also took the opportunity to call Joe Wilson a liar.

Kos basically summed up my position on all this:

So let me get this straight -- according to conservatives, lying about a blow job was an impeachable offense, but lying about outing a CIA agent focused on the Iranian nuclear program is much ado about nothing? Okay, got it.
What I found fascinating about the Libby trial was how much came out about BushCo's efforts to discredit war critics. Cheney was obsessed with the desire to crush Joe Wilson, which basically told me that Cheney and the rest of them knew that they took this country to war based on a lie.

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