Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Karl Rove Is The Anti-Crist

From ABC News:

The television travel pool producer says they shot Karl Rove on camera reacting to Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist bailing on the Bush appearance in Pensacola today so that he can campaign in other parts of the state.

Asked what the Crist cancellation meant for Bush, Rove said "Let's see how many people show up in Palm Beach on 24 hours notice versus 8 or 9,000 people in Pensacola." Rove also said to ask Crist's people why they cancelled. The pool producer noted that Rove was "a little uppity" in his response.

After saying this, Rove tried to say it was off the record but the pool producer pointed out to him that the camera was rolling (and had been as he spoke earlier about GOP polling) and there were recorders in his face.

President and Mrs. Bush have are scheduled to appear at a campaign rally in Pensacola, on Monday afternoon for the entire Florida GOP ticket. During a briefing of White House reporters last week, a senior administration official said that one of the reasons the President was traveling to Florida today was to campaign for Charlie Crist.
The fact that Jeb Bush is currently the governor of Florida makes this whole episode even more hilarious.

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