Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Have George Allen's Reelection Chances Turned To [Ma]Caca?

From TPM Cafe:

With four new polls in two days showing Dem Jim Webb edging into a lead over GOP Senator George Allen, Webb has just launched a new ad which doesn't mention Allen and looks as if it contains Webb's closing argument: "As a Marine I fought a lot of battles for this country. But the battle we're in right now is the most important of my life. Those in power haven't served us...If you're ready for change, I'd be honored to have your vote."
Last week, I thought that Allen had it in the bag, but things are apparently going so well for Webb right now that he is actually running a positive ad. This is what pollster John Zogby told Political Wire:

Political Wire asked pollster John Zogby which races he thought would serve as "bellwethers" for Election Night.

In the Senate, it all boils down to Missouri, Tennessee, and New Jersey. I do think Virginia goes to the Democrats.

In the House, if the Democrats win NY-26, IL-6, and CT-2, then it is curtains for the Republicans.
I'm still stunned that Allen, who was considered a shoe-in just a few weeks ago, is now behind in the polls.

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