Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Keeping Talking, George (You Too, Rush)

Was it Karl Rove's idea for Bush to have another press conference this morning, his second news conference in two weeks? If so, then once again, I am not impressed. And neither is at least one GOP strategist:

One Republican strategist close to the White House says this news conference was a big mistake. *** He says he was flooded with calls from Republicans nationwide who say the president needs to do less talking in the campaign's final days, not more.
I listened to some of the news conference this morning. Bush talked a lot about Iraq, and what he said was pretty pathetic. Indeed, all Bush accomplished this morning was to remind everyone of just how much of an idiot he is and just how shitty the situation in Iraq continues to be. The debacle in Iraq is so bad, in fact, that Bill Frist doesn't think that any Republicans should be talking about it right now:

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says if Republican candidates want to succeed on Election Day, they should turn their focus away from the Iraq war.

"The challenge is to get Americans to focus on pocketbook issues, and not on the Iraq and terror issue," Frist said in an interview with the Concord Monitor on Tuesday.
And speaking of monumental screw-ups in the run-up to the Mid-Terms, does the GOP really want to challenge the Democrats on the issue of stem cell research? Last I heard, a majority of the country supports it, so you'd think the GOP would want to stay as far away from that issue as possible. After all, wouldn't it simply work to remind voters just how far out of the mainstream the GOP is right now?

But stem cell research is a big issue once again, thanks to the idiocy of Rush Limbaugh.

I never thought I'd be pleased about something Oxycontin Rush says, but he really gave the Democrats a big boost when he accused Michael J. Fox of exaggerating his symptoms of Parkinson's Disease during a series of political ads. These ads were originally designed to target specific races back East, but thanks to Limbaugh's bullshit accusations, we're seeing them run repeatedly on network and cable news shows. You just can't buy exposure like that. [Limbaugh, by the way, did not apologize for his remarks even though elements of the Corporate Media claim that he did].

Anyway, the next two week should be pretty interesting. In fact, given what I've seen so far, I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP tried to resurrect the Terri Schiavo debate for one more go-around.

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