Monday, October 30, 2006

How To Respond To The Latest GOP Bullshit Talking Point

I've seen them use it twice so far, but I'm sure they've whipped it out more times than that. Bill O'Lielly used it against David Letterman, and Lynne Cheney used it against Wolf Blitzer. The talking point is in the form of a question, and the question is: "Do you or don't you want the United States to win the War in Iraq?"

Of course, the obvious way to respond to such a question is: "We won that war already, didn't we?" And when the extremist starts stammering to give a response to that simple retort, you interrupt him or her and ask: "OK, I'll answer your original question, but first I need to know what your definition of 'win' is when it comes to Iraq."

And that's how you deal with that particular GOP talking point.

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