Friday, October 27, 2006

Big Trouble Brewing For Sen. George "Macacca" Allen?

Josh Marshall reports:

The Allen campaign refuses to return our calls asking whether Sen. Allen will release his sealed divorce records. We're not the only news outlet asking, just the only one telling you how the Allen campaign is responding. Heck, one major national daily had a reporter out in LA for at least week trying to nail down the story. It's what every Washington insider is talking about: what's inside those sealed records down in Albemarle County. Now that the Allen campaign is about to go on the airwaves about sex scenes in Jim Webb's books, maybe you should know about this too.
Political Wire has more on this. My feeling on the Virginia Senate race is that Allen will win it in a squeaker unless he says something else that is really stupid and/or more bad things come out about his past.

With regard to all this recent buzz about Allen, Taegan Goddard has this to say: "A very reputable political reporter tells me this isn't from Democratic opposition research and that it's probably coming out because many feel Allen 'crossed the line' when he started talking about Jim Webb's novels."

When I heard about the attack on Jim Webb's novels yesterday, the first thing I thought of was the novel Lynne Cheney wrote featuring two characters who were involved in a lesbian love affair. More examples of right-wing extremists including explicit sexual references in their works of fiction can be found here.

Some liberals got all over Lynne Cheney for what she wrote many years ago, but I wasn't all that bothered by it. Just because people write about something in a book doesn't necessarily mean they are big fans of it -- sometimes it does, of course -- but such criticism would be akin to attacking the author of the Bible simply because Satan was mentioned in it.

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