Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Can't Get Enough Of This Story

George Allen has gotten himself into a fine mess:
A SurveyUSA poll suggests Sen. George Allen (R-VA) "Macaca" mess may make it more difficult for him to retain his job.

The poll found that Allen's lead over Democrat Jim Webb is down to 48-45. Earlier polls had Allen up by 19 points.

The new poll follows a difficult few days for Allen, who insulted a man of Indian descent who was tracking the Republican's re-election campaign for challenger Webb. Allen either called the man, S.R. Siddarth, a "macaca" -- a slur that literally means "a monkey,' but also can mean "shithead" -- or Macaque, a French slur used to describe North Africans. (Allen is of French Tunisian descent.)
There is an old saying in the law that if you are winning, then keep your mouth shut. Allen, who is an attorney, must have forgotten it.

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