Sunday, June 04, 2006

Right-Wing Extremists Suffer Major Setback RE: PlameGate

In order to try to make the best out of a bad situation, the Radical Right had hoped to use the trial of Scooter Libby as a launching point from which to attack Ambassador Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, and pretty much everyone who views the BushCo decision to invade Iraq as the greatest foreign policy blunder in U.S. history. Well, so much for that plan.

This is an excerpt from the Court's June 2 ruling (via TPMMuckraker):
[T]he only question the jury will be asked to resolve in this matter will be whether the defendant intentionally lied when he testified before the grand jury and spoke with FBI agents about statements he purportedly made to the three news reporters concerning Ms. Wilson’s employment. The prosecution of this action, therefore, involves a discrete cast of characters and events, and this Court will not permit it to become a forum for debating the accuracy of Ambassador Wilson’s statements, the propriety of the Iraq war or related matters leading up to the war, as those events are not the basis for the charged offenses. At best, these events have merely an abstract relationship to the charged offenses.
Take heart, Scooter -- you still have your "memory loss" defense. Good luck with that.

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