Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hysterical Review of Al Gore's Movie

No surprise here: Rupert Murdock's New York Post doesn't like Al Gore's new movie very much, despite the fact that the vast majority of other reviews out there are positive. Members of the Extreme Right are going out of their way to attack Gore because they obviously see him as a major threat in 2008, given that he is on the right side on every single issue. He will crush them on Iraq.

Murdock, however, loves Hillary Clinton and is openly supporting her because he knows the GOP can beat her in 2008 and they want to do everything possible to make her the Democratic nominee. I never thought I'd see the day that the Radical Right would warm up to Hillary, but there it is.

And, for what it's worth (thanks for the link, Slic[k]):

A new behavior prediction tool is forecasting a landslide victory for former Democratic Vice President Al Gore in the 2008 presidential election. However, should Hillary Clinton gain the Democratic nomination, any potential Republican challenger will win the presidency.

These are among the surprising findings reported by Dr. James N. Herndon, a media psychologist with Media Psychology Affiliates. Using a new research tool called Affective Encryption Analysis, Dr. Herndon led an investigation into the likely outcome of the 2008 Presidential election. * * *

“Despite the widespread public dissatisfaction with the George W. Bush administration, our results showed even greater ill-feelings toward potential Democratic challengers,” says Dr. Herndon. “But there was one exception: Al Gore.”

“With a predictive accuracy of 93%, our results showed that Al Gore would easily defeat any Republican challenger in 2008. However, he is the only Democrat on the scene today who has the ability to defeat the likely Republican challengers, who we believe will be either John McCain or Jeb Bush.”

Results were not rosy for Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Clinton would suffer a disastrous defeat at the hands of any Republican who receives the nomination,” states Dr. Herndon.
Although it may be a bit early for this kind of predicting, it's pretty clear that a Hillary nomination would in fact be a disaster for the Democrats.

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