Friday, June 30, 2006

Ben Sargent

[click image to enlarge]

UPDATE: Dana Milbank had this to say on MSNBC today:

The administration all week has been saying that the media through our reports have been sort of aiding and abetting the terrorists. It’s much harder to make the case that the Supreme Court is aiding and abetting the terrorists and at some point people are going to say that maybe it’s the administration that is in fact not handling things properly…
Well, maybe it might be harder for some people, Dana, but you have to remember that a lot of idiots are holding high positions in our Federal government right now. Here's what Trent Lott had to say on FauxNews with regard to the Supreme Court's decision:

I think some people are probably laughing at us. This is ridiculous and outrageous. Now in legal speak, let me say, I have not read the entire opinion, nor the dissents. But preliminarily my opinion is they probably didn’t even have jurisdiction. They shouldn’t have ruled the way they did. This is not a bunch of pussycats we’re talking about here. These are people that have made it clear in many instances that they would kill Americans if they got out. This is Osama bin Laden’s driver. And this is one other example of why the American people have lost faith in so much of our federal judiciary. This is a very bad decision in my opinion.

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