Friday, May 05, 2006

Members Of Corporate Media Continue To Protect Corrupt Bush Regime

As I mentioned yesterday, someone finally got in Rumsfeld's face and questioned him on all the lies he told about Iraq. And it wasn't a member of the corporate media -- they didn't do that in the run-up to the Iraq Disaster (even though that's their job), so why start now.

No, it was former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. To sum up, Rumsfeld denied yesterday that he said he knew where the WMD in Iraq was located, and McGovern essentially called Rumsfeld a liar and stated that Rumsfeld did indeed say that he knew where the WMD was located.

In other words, someone was lying yesterday. Of course, I knew it was Rumsfeld because I actually follow this stuff, but the average American probably doesn't know. So I watched some of the evening news coverage of this last night to see whether the Corporate Media would actually point out the liar in all this.

They didn't. In fact, based on the coverage I saw, one would assume that Rumsfeld was the straight talker in all this and McGovern was a crazy lunatic would didn't have his facts straight.

CNN was no different. Here are some of the questions Paula "Eva Braun" Zahn asked McGovern yesterday (via Daily Kos):
Zahn: Did you go to this speech today with the intent of challenging Secretary Rumsfeld?

Zahn: What was it, then, that you wanted to accomplish by following [a heckler's] pointed question?

Zahn: Essentially, what [Rumsfeld] told you is: I never said exactly where the weapons of mass destruction were. I was referring to, we had a pretty darn good idea where the sites were ... Do you buy what he said today? [Note: What Rumsfeld told McGovern was that he "did not say" that he knew where Saddam's WMD were, when in fact he said exactly that in a March 2003 TV appearance.]

Zahn: How much of an ax do you have to grind with Secretary Rumsfeld?

Zahn: There was a point where it appeared as though you were going to get kicked out ... Donald Rumsfeld encouraged whoever I think had their hands on you at the time to let you stay there. Does he get any credit for that today?
You can watch Zahn's hostile interview of McGovern here (McGovern handled himself pretty well).

I think what is going in here is that Zahn and the rest of the Corporate Media know they screwed up by blindly accepting all the BushCo bullshit during the run-up to the Iraq Debacle, but instead of coming clean with regard to that screw-up, they've decided to continue to protect Bush (and thus themselves) on all this. How brave of them.

UPDATE: I guess Anderson Cooper interviewed McGovern last night and did a fair, thorough job, but I have no doubt that he was the exception.

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