Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sad But Inevitable

From The Christian Science Monitor:

An attack Wednesday that destroyed the soaring gold dome of one of ShiiteIslam's holiest shrines is being interpreted by most Shiites here as a direct attack on their faith - and has sharply raised sectarian tensions.

It's unclear if any people were killed in the massive explosion in Samarra, about 60 miles north of Baghdad. But the destruction of the shrine may be the most emotionally charged of attacks on Shiite targets thus far in the war, and could set back already hamstrung efforts to form a government of Shiite and Sunni unity.

As citizens deserted the streets of Baghdad in the wake of the attack, many said they feared this could be a seminal moment in Iraq's low-intensity civil war.

"The war could really be on now,'' says Abu Hassan, a Shiite street peddler who declined to give his full name. "This is something greater and more symbolic than attacks on people. This is a strike at who we are."

UPDATE: You know things are bad in Iraq when even Bill O'Reilly wants us to get the hell out, which is an interesting flip-flop given that just last November on NBC's Today, O'Reilly "called those advocating immediate withdrawal from Iraq 'pinheads' and compared them to Hitler appeasers."

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