Thursday, February 09, 2006

Paul Bremer And The Phantom WMD

Paul Bremer, America's former Presidential Envoy to Iraq, was asked on CNN today what he thought the U.S. invasion of Iraq was all about. Here was his response:

"Well, it was certainly not about oil. I'll tell you, I was there for fourteen months and met with all of our top leaders and attended hundreds of hours of meetings and nobody ever said this is about oil, so that's just a complete myth.

If you go back and read what the president said before the war -- and his top advisors -- they said it's about two things: it's about Saddam's refusal to cooperate on coming clean about his weapons of mass destruction -- he was in violation of seventeen U.N. Security Council resolutions. And its about one of the most brutal and awful regimes anywhere in all the world -- one of the most totalitarian -- and therefore giving the Iraqi a prospective for a democratic, better future, and we've done that."
Certainly not about oil? Is he joking? Of course the Iraq Invasion was about oil. It was all about oil -- everybody knows this -- and I'm sick of all the BushCo lying on that particular issue.

But the Bremer statement I couldn't believe was his comment that the Iraq War was "about Saddam's refusal to cooperate on coming clean about his weapons of mass destruction." Excuse me? Maybe this is a stupid question, but how the hell does someone come clean on something he doesn't have?

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