Monday, January 30, 2006

One More Thought With Regard To The Tweety Show

During Sunday's Chris Matthews Show, Tweety and his guests were gloating about Karl Rove's big comeback and how it is pretty obvious that Rove will not be indicted in the Plame TreasonGate Scandal. I'm not sure where they were getting their information (well, that's not true -- they were probably reading this stuff from RNC Talking Points); but given what we have learned since Scooter's indictment, isn't it pretty obvious that Scooter, Rove, and several other PlameGate co-conspirators actually did commit acts of treason when they outed Valerie Plame?

After all, members of the Bush Regime were (and still are) more than happy to repeatedly commit criminal acts by illegally spying on American citizens, so a treasonous act or two would be no big deal for these people. It is apparent to me that they think they can do pretty much anything they want and will never have to answer for their crimes. In fact, it is the perceived lack of accountability on their part that makes these particular criminals so dangerous.

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