Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm Tired Of This Old Cliche

I was watching CNN over lunch, and it had a segment about a new documentary on eating disorders. Now, the movie looks like it is a good one and it certainly addresses a serious subject, but at the end of the segment, the film's producer said, "If this documentary just saves one life, then all of our effort in producing it would have been worth it."

I'm tired of that -- you hear it all of the time, and I wish people would stop saying it. In fact, just once I'd like to hear an exchange that goes something like this:

Interviewer: "You know, your project was definitely a noble one, and even if it only leads to the saving of one life, I'm sure you'd still consider it a worthwhile effort, isn't that right?"

Interviewee: "Well, Bob, to be honest, getting this project off the ground was enormously difficult and it ended up taking a lot more effort than any of us thought it would. So no, if it saved just a single life, I don't think all the work would have been worth it. But if it saved like, say, a dozen people, now that would be a different matter entirely."

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