Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fun Stuff For The Fans of "24"

Although I am a big "24" fan, I have found some aspects of the show a bit puzzling over the years. So has Emmy-winning writer Ken Levine -- he has come up with what a script rejection letter for that TV series might look like (via Hoffmania):

Thank you for your script “5:00 – 6:00 P.M.” Unfortunately it does not fit our needs. There were a number of choices you made that suggest you’re not really familiar with our show. On page 12 you have Jack eating. No one ever eats. You also refer to take-out cartons strewn all over CTU. For future reference, only agents and approved personnel are given security clearance to CTU, not Domino Pizza boys. We pride ourselves on reality. On page 16 you have Jack saying he needs to use the bathroom. Why not a manicure? We have no time for such frivolous activities.

Pay careful attention to the clock. You have Tony driving out to Simi Valley from headquarters downtown in 52 minutes. Everyone knows, at that hour of the day, it only takes 10 minutes, 13 if there’s heavy traffic.

Not once in your script did you have anyone say, “Just let me do my job!” I almost didn’t recognize it as a “24”.
Definitely read the rest of Levine's post. It is pretty good. A new season of "24" begins on January 15.

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