Sunday, November 13, 2005

This Morning's Meet The Press

Sure, Tim Russert could have grilled Ken Melman more on the issue of BushCo intelligence manipulations in the run-up to Iraq, but I wasn't completely disappointed with the questions he asked Melman. A portion of this exchange is available here. Josh Marshall has the goods on all of Melman's lies here.

I thought Russert's interview with Howard Dean was interesting. Russert referred to Governor-elect Tim Kaine of Virginia making comments about the Bible, as well as John Kerry's recent Jesus-related comments. Then this exchange occurred:
Russert: "Are the Democrats now trying to embrace Christ -- embrace moral values -- because they see themselves on the wrong side of this issue?"

Dean: "Well, first of all, there are a fair number of Jewish democrats who I don't think are going to embrace Christ . . . ."
Russert kind of stepped into that one.

Dean then went on to discuss moral values and how the Democrats win that particular debate. "I am a Democrat because of my moral values," said Dean. It was pretty good.

In fact, Dean kicked some serious ass in that interview. Armando at Kos has a good summary of it here. I'll try to post the transcript and the video of the segment if and when they become available.

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