Monday, November 28, 2005

Is Scott McClelland On His Way Out?

From Political Wire:

Think Progress wonders where White House press secretary Scott McClellan has gone. The last time he gave an on-the-record press briefing was 19 days ago.

"We called the White House to ask whether there would be a press briefing today, and the press assistant checked the schedule and informed us there was not one scheduled. When asked whether there would be a press briefing any time this week, the press office informed us that there was nothing scheduled because the President would be traveling."

Nearly two weeks ago,
PR Week predicted McClellan would be replaced soon because he "lacks credibility."
The reason we don't see much of McClelland anymore is because every time he conducts a press conference, the American public is reminded that Karl Rove is a liar. BushCo therefore has no choice but to replace McClelland.

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