Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Finally -- The GOP Gets Upset Over A Leak

Of course, it is the kind of leak that actually hurts the GOP politically:

Republican congressional leaders said Tuesday they are asking committees to investigate the possible leak of classified information about secret U.S. prisons for suspected terrorists overseas. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert said the disclosure, first reported last week in The Washington Post, could damage national security.

Hastert, R-Illinois, and Frist, R-Tennessee, have asked the chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence committees to look into the origin of the disclosure.

"If accurate, such an egregious disclosure could have long-term and far-reaching damaging and dangerous consequences, and will imperil our efforts to protect the American people and our homeland from terrorist attacks," the lawmakers wrote in a letter requesting the investigation.
Needless to say, it would have also been nice if Frist and Hastert had felt the same way about a leak that exposed a covert CIA operative involved in WMD proliferation issues.

Oh, wait a minute -- the exposure of Valerie Plame was an purposeful GOP leak specifically designed to intimidate a critic of Bush's Iraq Debacle. Never mind.

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