Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Some Fitzmas Eve Odds-And-Ends

From Political Wire:

[A] former high level Bush administration official told Political Wire that "people are turning on each other" at the White House. Lawrence Wilkerson is likely just the first to come out publicly against the administration.
I like to read stuff like that because I know in my heart that Bush was directly involved in TreasonGate and the only way the details of Bush's involvement will come out is if people in the White House start turning on each other.


Roll Call reports that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald "was spotted Tuesday at the law offices of Patton Boggs paying a visit to Robert Luskin, the eccentric (for Washington, D.C.) lawyer who represents Karl Rove."
Finally, the L.A. Times has this:

Prosecutors investigating the leak of a CIA agent's identity returned their attention to powerful White House advisor Karl Rove on Tuesday, questioning a former West Wing colleague about contacts Rove had with reporters in the days leading to the outing of a covert CIA officer.

Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald also dispatched FBI agents to comb the CIA officer's residential neighborhood in Washington, asking neighbors again whether they were aware — before her name appeared in a syndicated column — that the agent, Valerie Plame, worked for the CIA.
It sure sounds like Fitzgerald might seek at least one indictment asserting that someone leaked Valerie Plame's name illegally. He appears to be tying up some loose ends on that particular issue.

Well, that's it for now. Pleasant dreams, everyone -- and let's hope we wake up to at least a few indictments under the Fitzmas Tree tomorrow morning.

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