Monday, October 03, 2005

Radical Right Unhappy with Harriet Miers Selection

I'm not sure what to make of this. It could just be a smoke screen, but the folks over at appear to be genuinely unhappy with Bush's selection of Harriet Miers to replace O'Connor on the Supreme Court. Here are samples of some of the comments on that site:

To hear the White House tell us, "With her distinguished career and extensive community involvement, Ms. Miers would bring a wealth of personal experience and diversity to the Supreme Court." Diversity. Sure she does. In fact, she gives money to Republicans *and* Democrats. Mr. President, you've got some explaining to do. And please remember - we've been defending you these five years because of this moment. * * *

Me, the sources, everyone it seems was wrong. We've all heard the rumors, but not a one could believe the President would do that. Where is our Scalia/Thomas. * * *

Miers also apparently gave money to Al Gore back in 1988. At least back then he was pro-life. But still. This ain't good. * * *

And some of the reader comments at that site are pretty funny as well. Here's an example:

This choice is awful! is an insult to the American Public....It is an insult to the Republican base who gave W his razor thin winning margins......The Bushes are absolute wimps......W expects us to support him on his questionnable War in Iraq....and, he does not reciprocate with the appointment of a young, stellar SCOTUS nominee....this is a disgrace....I am angry....and, I hope Coburn and Brownback step to the plate on this and point out what we already know.....this nomination needs to be Borked!!!!!!!!

I am as conservative as one can be.....I have stood with W.....overlooked his mistakes......stood by him on actually makes me now question many of his personnel choices....and his really being in touch with his base.....I am absolutely devastated!!!!!
But, there does seem to be a ray of hope for these poor extremist bastages:

Tim Carney notes that back in 1992, Miers led a fight to have the ABA's abortion position voted on by the members as a whole as opposed to being adopted by the ABA's Executive Committee. If she maintains her sense of democracy in that regard, we might be able to breath a little bit easier -- a little bit.
I know it is still early in the process, but so far the only problem I have with Miers stems from something I heard on NPR this morning. Miers reportedly referred to George W. Bush as "a genius" (or something to that effect). Sure, she may have been joking at the time or sucking up to the boss -- if she was indeed sucking up, then it must now be considered one of the most effective suck-ups of all time -- but the Senate needs to look into that remark, because if she truly considers our president to be a genius, then what does that say about her?

Anyway, thanks for the heads-up on the stuff, Slic(k).

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