Thursday, October 06, 2005

Outing The Gay-Bashing Homosexual Politician

There was an AP article in yesterday's local paper titled "Gay Community Split Over Efforts to Expose Closeted Public Figures." It focused on whether it was right to "out" gay politicians who "work against gay rights or condemn homosexuality." Christopher Barron, political director of the Log Cabin Republicans, said he understands the anger that certain activists feel towards these people, but believes that outing them is a waste of energy:

"Outing is not an effective tool," Barron said. "I don't know a single vote on gay-rights issues that was changed because of outing. * * * Folks should be focusing on the hard work that needs to be done and not get bogged down in the personal attacks."
Excuse me? So does Barron really think that these ultra-hypocrites should just get away with it? Outing Spokane Mayor James West was absolutely the right thing to do. He now will probably face a recall election. Virginia's gay-bashing GOP Congressman Ed Schrock would probably still be in office if it wasn't for the fact that he was caught soliciting sex through a gay dating service. He abruptly ended his re-election bid last year after that allegation surfaced. And by the way, who didn't enjoy watching the GOP's radical right wing squirm last week when "closeted heterosexual" David Dreier was almost chosen to replace the indicted Tom DeLay as Majority Leader.

I love it when hypocrites get called on their bullshit. It's as old as The Bible. Who could forget the hilarity that ensued when incoming Speaker of the House Bob Livingston resigned after it was revealed, during the Clinton Impeachment, that he had repeatedly been unfaithful in his marriage. I loved that, particularly given that Clinton maintained a high approval rating throughout the impeachment process.

Exposing hypocrites may not be an "effective tool," but it sure is a fun process to watch.

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