Thursday, October 27, 2005

OK Fredrick -- Here's Something New For You

From Murray Waas (via Talking Points Memo):

Vice President Cheney and his chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, overruling advice from some White House political staffers and lawyers, decided to withhold crucial documents from the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2004 when the panel was investigating the use of pre-war intelligence that erroneously concluded Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, according to Bush administration and congressional sources.
Wait a minute. I'm sorry -- this isn't new at all. It's just another wrinkle to the same old story, isn't it.

If this means what I think it means, then tomorrow is shaping up to be a very good day.

UPDATE: My Dad, who pays closer attention to this stuff than I do, thinks tomorrow is going to be a "mixed bag" day. He thinks it will be disappointing to some in that only an indictment of Scooter Libby will be announced, but it will also have some good news in that Fitzgerald will announce the impaneling of a second grand jury which will investigate potential conspiracy issues surrounding TreasonGate (including the stuff referred to in the above-linked Murray Waas article).

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