Friday, October 28, 2005

Impressions of Fitzgerald Press Conference

At the end of pretty much every Shakespearean tragedy -- Lear might be the only exception -- some authority figure always appears to restore order. That was the feeling I had as I watched Patrick Fitzgerald's press conference today.

As far as any "where do we go from here"-type conclusions, Raw Story is saying stuff about Fitzgerald having explosive evidence on this, that, or the other thing, blah, blah, blah -- we'll wait and see on all that. But one thing that became very clear to me as the press conference unfolded is that any plan the Radical Right has of going after Fitzgerald and attacking his credibility is going to . . ., well -- fail miserably.

In fact, the Extreme Right will have to be satisfied with merely attacking Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, because Fitzgerald seems like a pretty solid, thorough prosecutor -- the un-Ken Starr, if you will.

And speaking of Ken Starr, my boss's assistant Roxy said something today that pretty much sums up this whole thing. She said: "The Monica Lewinski stuff was funny -- this Valerie Plame stuff is scary."

It is hard to argue with that.

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