Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Grand Old Party of Treason

John Aravosis at AMERICAblog takes on the Republicans' attempt to minimize TraitorGate:
[T]he Republicans are now making light of an intentional effort to expose an undercover CIA agent, working on weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, no less, while we are at war in the Middle East on that very issue. * * *

The Republican party's gift to the American people, and the Bush administration's legacy, will be the normalization of treason. The notion that betraying your country during wartime for personal gain is no more serious than running a stop sign or going 60 in a 55 zone.

If a senior aide to the president had intentionally outed a CIA agent during World War II, an agent whose work was central to our mission of defeating the Germans, that aide would very likely be put to death. While no one is yet arguing that Karl Rove be executed, it is the height of hypocrisy and hubris for the Republican party to attempt to minimize a crime that not only puts our troops at risk, but risks the lives of every American man, woman and child.

It is truly a sad day when the Republcan party minimizes treason in a selfish effort to defend a traitor. Is this what nearly 2,000 American soldiers gave their lives for?

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