Monday, October 03, 2005

Ex-Judge Roy Moore To Run For Governor

Sure, all the news regarding the radical right's apparent rejection of the Miers' SCOTUS nomination is interesting and all, but this news actually got me excited:

Roy Moore, who became a hero to the Christian right after being ousted as Alabama's chief justice for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse, announced Monday that he is running for governor in 2006.
I hope the sonofabitch wins, because if he does, he'll certainly want to put back the 5,300-pound granite monument of the Ten Commandments he had installed in the rotunda of the state judicial building. A federal judge required him to remove the monument, and Moore was subsequently removed from office by a state court.

Bush, assuming he hasn't been impeached and convicted by then, would have to respond to any effort by Moore to restore the monument. In other words, Bush will be placed in a no-win situation. If he sends in the National Guard to remove the monument, his supporters in the radical religious right would never forgive him. If he fails to uphold the federal ruling as is his duty, then our "tough guy" president will appear weak to just about everyone else in the country.

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