Monday, October 31, 2005

Bush Will Nominate Alito

The Associated Press is reporting that Bush will nominated Samuel Alito later this morning to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. Some folks call this guy "Scalito" because his judicial philosophy is very similar to that of Antonin Scalia.

I'm glad Bush picked this guy. Now maybe we will see the Democrats finally get fired up over something. The great thing about the Harriet Miers fiasco is that the extreme right can no longer effectively argue that Bush's current nominee should get an "up or down" vote in the Senate, because all the Democrats will need to do is point out is that, thanks to GOP extremists, Harriet Miers did not get an "up or down" vote.

Bill Frist, if he is not under indictment by the time the [Sc]Alito nomination is taken up by the Senate, will probably have to exercise "the nuclear option" in order to thwart the Democrats' filibuster. We'll see how that goes.

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