Saturday, September 17, 2005

Reichsführer Rove Flexes His Muscle

The title for this article is "Lawyer Was Fired After Rove Called." A better title would have been "Karl Rove and Roger Williams: A Tale of Two Assholes."

Via Josh Marshall:

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove personally called the Texas secretary of state about a newspaper story quoting a staff lawyer about whether Mr. Rove was eligible to vote in the state.

The lawyer was subsequently fired.

Secretary of State Roger Williams said that he decided to dismiss the lawyer after talking with Mr. Rove but that the White House adviser didn't request that he do so.

"Absolutely not," said Mr. Williams, a longtime supporter of President Bush and a major GOP fundraiser.

This attorney was fired even though she was merely answering a hypothetical question and even though Rove's name never came up.

God, I hate these people.

Of course, Rove had his priorities straight -- his phone call to Williams "came at the height of the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe, the weekend after the storm struck." I wonder if Williams could hear a guitar being strummed in the background during that call?

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