Friday, September 23, 2005

Phil Donahue Crucifies O'Lielly

This made my whole day.

Those of you out there who are as tired as I am of listening to spineless progressives and moderates cowering in the presence of loudmouth neo-fascists like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly will really dig this exchange between Phil Donahue and O'Reilly.

Too bad there wasn't more of this going on during the run-up to the Iraq Catastrophe. Indeed, wouldn't it have been wonderful if someone like Donahue had his own show on television in, say, late 2002/early 2003, and on this show, Donahue would have openly questioned the need to invade Iraq? Man, that would have been great.

Wait a minute -- Donahue did have such show on MSNBC during that time period. In fact, it was MSNBC's highest-rated show at the time. So how did MSNBC reward Phil for his ratings success? By canceling his show.

More on this later -- after I get back from a weekend of fly fishing on the Deschutes.

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