Monday, September 12, 2005

End of the Reagan Revolution, Part III

I've been toying lately with the notion that the Reagan "Government Is The Enemy" Revolution is finally coming to an end in the wake of Katrina (see here and here). This guy here argues the case much better than I ever could:

George W. Bush, a child of the anti-government, had heard and said for so long that government was the enemy, that government could not be trusted, he was unwilling or unable to use its power to save its citizens before it was too late. He is doing the same thing in Iraq, where he is unwilling to give young men and women wearing the government's uniforms on his orders the reinforcements and equipment they need to survive, much less prevail, in a war they cannot win.

The tragedies in New Orleans and Baghdad are both tragedies of stunted minds who do not believe in the capacity of the people of the nation organized as government. The stupidity of anti-government bias was dramatized a week after the waters came in biblical force. The pilots of two Navy helicopters were reprimanded for acting as if they were big brotherly government by rescuing more than a hundred people when their orders specified that their only mission was to deliver food and water to other military personnel.

Thanks, Fredrick, for the link.

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