Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Two 9-11 Movies in the Works

Oliver Stone is working on September, which will tell the story of two rescue workers who were trapped under the World Trade Center rubble. Flight 93 will be a real time depiction of the terrorist hijacking of the United Airlines flight. Both films will be completed by 2006. Whether they will be released in 2006 is still up in the air.

An ABC mini-series about 9-11 is also in production:

"The project — which has never been formally announced by ABC and will air no sooner than January 2006 — stars Harvey Keitel as John O'Neill, the FBI agent who hunted al-Qaeda for years and was killed in the attacks while working as head of security for the World Trade Center."


Sara said...

I would also recommend seeing 9-11-01, which is a series of short films from a number different nations regarding 9/11. The films had to be something like 11 minutes long and shot in 1 frame. The topics are all based on different aspects and thoughts about 9/11. It is quite interesting. It was not immediately released in the U.S., but was released on 9/11/02 in Europe. I am pretty sure you can find it on Netflix. Some of the films are quite eye-opening, and some had the audience I saw it with in tears. I don't want to give anything away though. I would be interested in hearing what others thought of the movie and their favorite pieces.

Sara said...

Here is a website that talks about the movie I referenced (I had the title backwards)